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Did Your Roof Assessment Reveal a Need for More Insulation?

Roof insulation plays an essential part in your home’s overall efficiency. Here at Roofer, our team provides comprehensive roof assessments and insulation assistance to help you keep your home as comfortable as possible. Our experienced roofing contractors know how to create cost savings for you and a more comfortable space for everyone who lives in your home.

What Roof Assessments can Tell You About Roof Insulation

A roof assessment is a great way to learn about the inner workings of your roof, and identify areas where you could afford to invest in the efficiency and comfort of your roof. While there are many things a roofing assessment can reveal, lack of insulation is the most common. Here are a few primary types of insulation, and what each means for your home:

  • Loose-fill insulation. Our roofing contractors will tell you this is the most common type of insulation. It can be blown into attic spaces and more.
  • Batt and roll insulation. This insulation is pressed between two sheets of paper or foil and fitted between the studs of a wall.
  • Spray foam. Spray foam insulation is a liquid that becomes foam when applied.
  • Radiant barriers. Radiant barriers work best in sloped roofs that run perpendicular to the sun.

Roofer is Fort Worth, Texas’s trusted roofing installation expert. Our team of roofing contractors can provide roof assessments and roof insulation, wherever you may need it. Contact us now to learn more: (817) 706-5734

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